====== Joshua Ben Isaac - ArthurB ====== Player: ArthurB \\ Faction: Latin States, Crusader Kingdoms \\ Email: Rabbi Joshua Ben Isaac, a native of Jerusalem of 40 years, has been appointed by the Jewish community of the Holy City to attend the winter conferences, if God and the gentile nations will it, so that the Jews of the Holy Land may have a voice speaking for them at those gatherings. **Hit Me Harder, Heathen** {{tag>bio bio:crusader_kingdoms bio:hit_me_harder}} =====Eternity===== {{ :wiki:joshua_2.jpg|}} //From the gospel of Elizer in the Third Testament// \\ “...and with the Staff of Moses' raised high the last of Yahweh’s prophets did call forth the wrath of the Angel’s; and so the fallen one, the deceiver, the betrayer, vassal of the Others, the Morningstar, was cast from the sphere of creation and hurled into the empty abyss beyond, to be forever held without the world. Into this act Joshua poured his very soul but before his life left him the Angelic host did gather about him and lo I beheld his form ascending into heaven, bathed in a great light, till he was lost amongst the clouds and the wings of the Seraphim. So the first and last prophet of the fourth covenant left the world, though his words remained...” \\ \\ \\ //A Passage from Arcana of the End-times//\\ "With the death of the Immanuel the last vestiges of "The One Within's" power was scattered, the God of Abraham thrown down. The Elder Gods who had waited without for millennia uncounted had won their final victory over the light. Creation would have fallen to their dark might at the hands of their vassal, Satan, had not the Jewish prophet Joshua called upon the last of his God's power, held with the Staff of Moses', and cast the beast from the material plane."\\ \\ \\ \\ //Extract from an Essay on the Historical Significance of the Founding of the Fourth Covenant, by Martin Luther//\\ "Whether one credits his divine powers or not the effect of Joshua ben Isaac on the history of the Holy Land cannot be underestimated. He lead the great exodus of the Jews back to the kingdom of Isreal and ensured that the Jewish nation was restored to its political and religious significance. Under his guidance the Third Temple was constructed, the event which ushered in the coming of the Messiah and the dawning of the fourth covenant. More importantly though Joshua was one of the key figures in the uniting of the Abrahamic religions which had schismed a millennia earlier, in doing so he peeled back the dogma of centuries to reveal the divine message anew. We can only speculate how much grief and bloodshed has been avoided due to this act but it is clear that through his teachings the mantra of Crusade became anathema and the taint of blood on the Holy Land was washed away." \\ \\ \\ //Excerpt from the Dissolution of the Diaspora// \\ "Though the forces of darkness slew the successor of David the spirit of the fourth covenant endured and the Jews took their rightful place in the Holy Land and the affairs of the world. Under their stewardship the Holy Land became green and lush, truly the land it had been promised to be. With the faiths united they lived in peace with the Christian and Muslims and were ruled justly by the line of King Baldwin. To this day the Third temple stands as a monument to their struggle and to their union with the other great faiths." \\ \\ \\ //Article from Berlin Zeitung, June 17th 1925//\\ “Times are tough but it is good to see the German people rallying together in these dark times. It seems some fringe movement, the 'National Socialist German Workers' Party', has been creating trouble in the Beer Halls, only to be soundly rebuffed by the people of Berlin. When word of their abhorrent preachings leaked out a great throng from the local churches assembled and marched upon their hideout, standing outside in silent vigil. So fearful were these political malcontents at the strength of feeling against them that they fled in terror and it seems their leader, in his hurry, fell and drowned in a sewer grating...”\\ \\ \\ \\ //On the life of Joshua ben Isaac//\\ "...Among his contributions to the secular world were the modern banking system and sliced bread..."