====== Michael of Bethlehem, Preceptor of the Order of Saint Mary Magdalene - JamesI ====== Player: JamesI \\ Faction: Latin States, Military and Monastic Orders \\ Email: <michael_of_bethlehem@crusade.chaosdeathfish.com> The Order of Magdalene has always been a small order, dedicated to the support of those with nowhere to turn. With the Crusade, the Order fought as hard and as well as any, and was granted lands to protect and maintain about the region around Bethlehem. As the Order's presence in the Holy Land grew, Michael, having lived all his life in the fortress of Bethlehem, grew with it, becoming a capable military commander and compassionate priest. Now, as preceptor of the Order's forces in the Holy Land, Michael attends the Winter Gathering to serve his Order, his people and his God. {{tag>bio bio:orders}} ===== Eternity ===== //**Written by a member of the Order of St. Mary Magdalene in the year of Our Lord 1199. Never discovered.**// "Now Grandmaster Lucien lies dead for many years now, and I write of the last visit from Praeceptor Michael of Bethlehem, for I was present, tending to the old man. They spoke of many things, and of the Blood of Christ that the Order had been founded to protect - for I was among those who had been inducted into the mysteries of the bloodline of Christ. For though I knew a little of these matters, that day Grandmaster Lucien revealed much - for Michael had borne the bloodline of Christ within him. And grimmer still, that this blood had tainted, for the agents of the Great Deceiver had corrupted it, and had offered temptations of darkness within it. For this had become evident within Michael - as he looked pale, his lips a ruby red, as if stained with blood, and chains binding his whole body. What deeper secrets and advice the Grandmaster revealed with his dying breath I do not know, yet Michale left the castle with great resolve, and greatly inspired. I learned that since then he had led the forces of the Jerusalem without fault against the Golden Host and the armies of Satan - yet he never returned to the Order, nor does any know where he has gone and now that he was the last, the Order's true purpose cannot continue..." //**A short extract supposedly written by the alchemist Donatien. True source or meaning unknown.**// Mirrors, mirrors, Uncle left you. Now alone with me. A young chained man we must both cure. You help me, I help you. Purify his blood. Help his mind. //**From the popular Byzantine Sci-Fi series 'Chained' about a damned fighter for justice in the medieval Holy Land (Mondays 8pm)**// //A man, his face pale and covered in chains, stands upon the roof of a building overlooking Jerusalem. He is dressed in ornate armour and holding a large sword - both writhe with angelic forms, as if they are trying to escape. Below he espies a number of cowled figures making their way towards some building. He speaks.// "In a Holy Land threatened by enemies of the Kingdom and all Mankind, there are few who can stand against the Darkest forces. And still few who can understand them..." //The same cowled figures, now in a building and chanting over a five-pointed star charted on the floor. Some demonic form begins to appear within it. The doors suddenly splinter as Michael of Bethlehem (for it is he!) enters.// "Enemies of Man, you shall not succeed." //The cultists are scattered, the demon lies defeated, and Michael stoops above one of the cultists, his hand tearing out a hunk of flesh...// **//From writings of Dr. Maddock, believed to be a madman, writing eye-witness accounts of his travels in the 20th Century. His writings have been taken up as truth as many.//** "... on the edges of this desert I saw a man, though I am not sure it was a man, stagger to the earth. He was wearing chain all over, or perhaps he was tattoed so, but his armour was another thing altogether - twisted, writhing. I saw the man-demon feast upon the flesh of those he had hunted - I later saw that they bore the signs of the Others upon them - but then he wept and cried, and even a mile away I heard him. It was soul-tearing. Then I saw him break his sword and tear off his armour and from them came Angelic figures, and I am sure they were angels, for I saw them and I saw what they were. Then this man-demon knelt before them and ceased the weeping, and I saw the angels take up their weapons that they now somehow held and send the man to his death. When I had come to look, he was devoid of all life. Then I travelled East in search of the dragons..."