Nizam Ata, Dukos Exarchos of the new Ducate of Cappadocia - RobC

Player: RobC
Faction: Islamic States, Seljuk or Orthodox States, Byzantium

Nizam the orphan child of Abu Ata a notable General of Turgal III father. Nizam grew up in the palace and was a childhood friend of Turgal. After Turgal became Sultan it was not long before he appointed his loyal and skilled friend as his trusted Grand Vizier. Nizam is a quiet and well spoken gentleman, who is very interested in matters of state.

Since the destruction of the Seljuk Empire by the Byzantine Empire, Nizam Ata has been put in charge of several themata (provinces) formerly covering Seljuk lands by the Byzantines.

Hit Me Harder, Heathen


Fragmentary Recordings recovered from a PDA found in the ruins of UAC Teleportation Research Facility on Mars, 2145AD

”…Portal creation experiments proceeding well. Energy levels in the core are nominal though we are picking up some strange fluctuations in the exit gate’s distorters…“

”…First successful human trial today. We are very excited. Marine Sergeant Philips made the journey from the entrance to the exit gate and emerged intact…the only strange thing was that he swore he could hear a singing during the jump…”

“…We’re getting huge power spikes in the continuum buffers…*static cracking*…wormhole coordinates seem to be shifting…*static cracking*…we’ve lost the entrance gate…something in the portal…darkness…up tempo musical number…”

“…*Fragments of distorted music*…Oh God what have we done…we’ve opened a doorway…somewhere else…dark…so dark…”

“…*static crackling*…Snake! Giant Snake! Gods it’s eating the lab assistants…*Sound of crunching lab assistants*…Plasma weapons no use…*Weapons fire*…its taken down the Marines…came through the portal…*Computerized Voice announcing that a self destruct sequence has been activated*…”

“…can’t shutdown the gateway…*static*…something else coming through…golden…”


Remaining data unrecoverable.

From “A Djinnology, Vol. 3: Notable Djinn of the Middle Ages”, 2001, by Dr. Peter Welles:

Nizam Ata, Sultan of the Court of Shai'tan, 1191-1193

One of the few djinn whose origins are known, Nizam was a mortal from the Seljuk empire prior to its collapse and subsumation into the resurgent Byzantine Empire. Indeed, he was Grand Vizier to Turgal III, then on his death briefly rose to the Sultanship before what some have criticised as betraying his people. In any case his aims did not seem to be wholly focused on his statecraft since he put quite some considerable effort into ascending to become a Djinn, reportedly finally ascending by consuming a child of the Court of Rain.

The exact methods are shrouded in mystery, though some speculation has developed in the popular literature (the best treatments are found in Daniels 1976, and Shroeder 1992).

Ata went missing at the battle of Armageddon; the myth tells that he summoned his court to fight the armies of darkness before succumbing to the wiles of the Enemy and being thrown into the pit of hell by Ophanim, at that time Sultan of the Court of Brass (see pages 67-81), who also disappeared. Ata's lasting legacy for djinnologists has been a confirmation of the hope that it is possible to attain such power for oneself. This author concedes that whilst it is clearly possible, it is impractical and dangerous (see Welles P., Ascension to the Courts, 1997, Oxford University Press).