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Symbolic Magic

Though they teach the craft to no man, all men know to fear their curses and to respect their prophecies. For the runes they engrave have power, and truly they are mightier than a thousand swords.
-Anton Yeleyev, Rus trader

Much that is written was not meant for man to know. Much that I write was not meant for Gods to know.
-Elisa Gretia, Georgian scribe and Symbolic mage

This magic is the magic of symbols and runes, whose form and the power thus derived is jealously guarded by its practitioners, who are often gifted craftsmen. Available to the Rus and the Georgians.

Tier the First


ørlög sínno-one should know beforehand
viti engi fyrirhis fate;
þeim er sorgalausastr sefifor that one is the mind most free from care.

Use of runes and symbols in divination can allow one to get brief glimpses of the near future, or general impressions of the course of events. Divination with regards to other actions grants a Symbolic mage some insight into their outcome and preparations can be made accordingly. Divination can also be used to provide general insight, though the practical application of this is unknown to those outside the craft.

Mark of Power

mjök stinna stafi very strong staves,
er fáði fimbulþulrwhich a mighty sage coloured
ok gørðu ginnreginand mighty powers made,
ok reist Hroptr rögna and Hroptr of the gods carved.

Symbols can be attached to objects which have had some significance - eg. victory runes can be inlaid into a sword which has seen a great victory, and the essence of relics can be amplified. Mundane objects tend not to be the subject of these rituals, for some reason.

Tier the Second

Fragments of verse found in the charred remains of an unknown Symbolic mage's notes:

Rammt er þat tréPowerful is that beam
er ríða skalthat must move from side to side
öllum at upploki to open for all;
baug þú gefgive a ring,
eða þat biðja munor it will call down
þér læs hvers á liðuevery evil on your limbs.
fögru skaltu heitayou must make a fair promise
ok láta fast vera and stick fast to it
symbolic.1237313084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/17 18:04 by dave
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